Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Artist Market, Port Macquarie

Welcome and thank you for joining me.

I am one of the lucky stallholders at  Artist Markets (first Sat of each month) in the Vines.  Now if you haven't been there then please put this on your next to-do-list because there are so many talented artists on display.

Last market I was fortunate enough to be invited to showcase the steps in creating my artwork by painting "live" so to speak.

So I arrived very early to set-up and get organised.

I must admit I thoroughly enjoyed this part of the day, where I get to meet new friendly faces while doing something I love...

I will be in the Vines next market day and hopefully I'll get to see you then. Please come by my stall and say hello.

Thank you for reading and
Happy painting

Yvonne x

A big thanks to my partner for helping out


I started working quite early in the day to get everything onto canvas.

And finally, Ta Da!!! Here is the finished product.

1 comment:

  1. Well Done Yvonne. Welcome to blogville :)
